The Walker Ross Service Award is awarded annually to a CIS member whose efforts have contributed to the long-term success of the Canadian Iris Society and to the promotion and advancement of the genus iris.
If you know of anyone who fits the above description please send an email or letter to the CIS President, Ed Jowett:
Address: Ed Jowett, 1960 Sideroad 15, RR#2 Tottenham, ON L0G 1W0
Telephone: 905-936-9941
Please outline why you think this individual should be nominated for the Walker Ross Service Award. All nominations should be submitted by July 1, 2013 as a vote will take place at the July CIS Board of Directors meeting. The recipient will be announced later in 2013.
1994 – Don Fritshaw-Hamilton, Ontario
1995 – Bruce Richardson-Hamilton, Ontario
1996 – Verna Laurin-Willowdale, Ontario
1997 – Ollie Kummer
1998 – not awarded
1999 – Ed Jowett-Tottenham, Ontario
2000 – Gloria McMillen-Norwich, Ontario
2001 – not awarded
2002 – not awarded
2003 – Cathy Boyko-Cayuga, Ontario
2004 – not awarded
2005 – Al Hutchins-Burlington, Ontario
2006 – Harold Crawford-Guelph, Ontario
2007 – not awarded
2008 – Sandy Ives-Ottawa, Ontario
2009 – not awarded
2010 – not awarded
2011- not awarded
2012 – not awarded
2013 – your nomination is needed
The Walker Ross Service Award – 2008

The Walker Ross Service Award for 2008 was awarded this year to Sandy Ives. This is awarded for outstanding work and performance to the Canadian Iris Society and was donated to the society in memory of longtime CIS member Walker Ross by the Owls club of Burlington, Ontario of which Walker Ross was a member.
Awarded in 2008 to Sandy Ives of Ottawa, Ontario for his dedication to promoting the genus iris through the following endeavors:
For his many years of promoting the Canadian Iris Society and specifically for his excellent guidance and unwavering determination in the creation of the revised CIS Constitution. This was an arduous task taking a number of years to complete.
Photo: Sandy Ives of Ottawa, Ontario.
The new CIS Constitution was ratified in November 2007 and the final result is a vastly improved document which will guide the functioning and structure of the CIS now and in the future.
Sandy Ives also previously served as the AIS RVP for Region 16 (Canada) and currently looks after the AIS Judges training program for AIS Region 16.
Congratulations and thank you, Sandy Ives!
American Iris Society (AIS) Awards
AIS 2010 Awards announced:

PAUL BLACK a 2003 tall bearded iris introduction by hybridizer Thomas Johnson. Dykes Medal winner 2010, Wister Medal 2009, AM 2007, HM 2005. At the 2004 AIS Convention in Fresno, California, this iris was voted most the popular iris seen in convention gardens from a hybridizer outside of the host region (AIS Region 14). For this it received the Cook Cup, an annual award of the AIS Convention. Height= 42inches Season= Mid-Late.
(photo courtesy of Rick Tasco)
This dark purple self demonstrates all around excellence. Show-bench stems bear 11-12 triple-socketed buds. Large flowers have excellent ruffled form and are smoothly saturated in dark purple color. The dark orange beards create a fascinating color combination and a pronounced spicy fragrance enhances its appeal.
Here we make available a summary of iris awards given by the AIS (American Iris Society) and an explanation of the qualifications for the awards. The AIS is recognized as the official world registry of iris varieties and as such its awards are held in very high regard internationally. To review the AIS Awards listings for a specific year please follow the links below:
1996 AIS Awards
1997 AIS Awards
1998 AIS Awards
1999 AIS Awards
2000 AIS Awards
2001 AIS Awards
2002 AIS Awards
2003 AIS Awards
2004 AIS Awards
2005 AIS Awards
2006 AIS Awards
2007 AIS Awards
2008 AIS Awards

Dykes Memorial Medal: The Dykes Medal is the highest award of the AIS. Awarded to no more than one iris per year. Named for one of the co-founders of the AIS, William Rickatson Dykes (1877-1925). It is open to iris from any category starting the year after they first win the medal award of their own category.
They are then eligible to compete for 3 years, plus when an iris from a particular category wins the Dykes Medal, the following year both the category medal winner and 1st runner up in that category become eligible to move into the Dykes medal competition. Only American Iris Society registered judges may vote.
Medals: There are Medals awarded to irises of each specific category type and they are eligible the second year after receiving an Award of Merit (or equivalent). One medal for each classification is given each year. Only AIS registered judges may vote.
The Medal awards and the various categories:
John C. Wister Medal: Tall Bearded (now 3 awarded each year)
Caparne-Welch Medal: Miniature Dwarf Bearded
Cook-Douglas Medal: Standard Dwarf Bearded
Hans and Jacob Sass Medal: Intermediate Bearded
Williamson-White Medal: Miniature Tall Bearded
Knowlton Medal: Border Bearded
C. G. White Medal: Aril
William Mohr Medal: ArilBred
Sydney B. Mitchell Medal: Californicae
W. A. Payne Medal: Japanese
Mary Swords Deballion Medal: Louisianas
Morgan-Wood Medal: Siberian
Eric Nies Medal: Spurias
Randolph-Perry Medal: Interspecies
Founders of SIGNA Medal: introduced species clone
Award of Merit (AM) awards are given to irises from each classification each year. Any iris is eligible the second year after previously winning an Honorable Mention (HM). Only AIS registered judges may vote.
Honorable Mention (HM) awards are awarded each year to irises of each classification. Registered bearded irises are eligible the second year after introduction. Registered beardless irises are eligible the third year after introduction.
High Commendation (HC) awards are reserved for seedling irises, viewed in the garden by AIS judges, under seedling number or registered name, which have not been introduced into commerce yet. Any seedling of any established classification that receives five votes is granted an HC award.
There are several popularity awards as well. These awards are voted on by any AIS members (not necessarily judges). These are voted on at AIS National and Regional conventions and by symposium ballot. These awards include the President’s Cup, the Cook Cup, etc.
For more extensive information on AIS Awards please go the American Iris Society website located at:
Great Lakes – Dykes Medal 1942

GREAT LAKES is a TB iris of Canadian origin and a Dykes Medal winner in 1942.
Entry as it reads from the 1939 AIS Check List: GREAT LAKES (Cousins’ 1938). TB-M-B1L. (a Tall Bearded light blue self which blooms midseason) A notation indicates it has a fragrance similar to magnolias. A catalog description of the time: “Clear sky-blue. Crisp, flaring flowers. Rugged and Hardy. 35 inches tall”.
From another garden catalog of 1949: “Winner of the Dykes Medal in 1942, this is about the finest light pure blue. splendid with a pronounced flare, stiff, crispy petal texture, it is strikingly fine. Fine stems of good height, well branched, Rugged and hardy, we highly recommend it.”
Photo: GREAT LAKES (Cousins’ 1938) a TB iris
Ruby Eruption – Cook-Douglas Medal 2006

RUBY ERUPTION was the winner of the 2006 Cook-Douglas Medal, the top American Iris Society (AIS) award for Standard Dwarf Bearded (SDB) irises. Hybridized by Canadian Chuck Chapman of Guelph, Ontario and introduced in 1997, this iris also previously won the following AIS awards; AM 2002, HM 2000.
The following is the catalogue description as it appeared when it was first introduced in the Chuck Chapman Iris catalogue of 1997: RUBY ERUPTION, SDB, 12 inches, ML., Standards are heavily marked very dark ruby red (almost red-black) over glowing bright yellow ground.
Photo: RUBY ERUPTION (Chapman 1997) a SDB iris
Falls are bright glowing yellow blending to light yellow centers; wide dark ruby plicata edge and very narrow yellow rim. Cream beards with dark orange tips. Bright dramatic colors pull you from across the garden. Wide, ruffled, good substance. 92-100-1 (RUSTY DUSTY x CHUBBY CHEEKS)
Walker Ross – William Mohr Medal 2006

WALKER ROSS was the winner of the 2006 William Mohr Medal, the top AIS award for ArilBred (AB) irises (Arilbred irises of ¼ but less than ½ aril content). The iris WALKER ROSS was hybridized by Canadian Walker Ross of Burlington, Ontario. The seedling was named, registered and introduced on behalf of Walker Ross by Chuck Chapman of Guelph, Ontario. It was recognized that the seedling had the potential to be a top quality AB iris and it has certainly achieved every expectation!
The following catalogue description is from its introduction in the Chuck Chapman Iris catalogue of 1998: WALKER ROSS (Walker Ross) AB, 30 inches, M, Standards and falls are cool white with many dark violet blue stripes from the center to the edges. Style arms are violet. The beards are a wide dark blue tipped bronze appearing black at first glance. This flower is large and global in shape.
Photo: Chuck Chapman of Guelph, Ontario with the iris WALKER ROSS (Walker Ross 1998) an AB iris
This iris is the best from Walker who has always been modest and very critical of his own plants. He agreed to the introduction of this plant before he died in 1992. Its has won EC at the Canadian Iris Show and many have been eagerly awaiting its introduction. SW-W13 (SPINNING WHEEL x W13(1/2 Aril).